What do our clients think?

We openly share all client reviews. Obviously, some are bad, and it definitely inspires us to improve the CRM. See what people have to say about us (in different languages, as we have clients all around the globe).

Write a review dev plans
Your nameАзат
1. What are you planning to use our free CRM for?
Personal UseIntegrate to a Business
2. First impression after use?
Ew…Fine, I guess…Wonderful!
4. On a 1-5 scale, how would you rate the visuals?
1 (terrbile)2345 (pretty)
5. Do you collaborate with a team or work on your own?
Teamwork!Just personal use
6. Do you plan to continue using offlineCRM?
Yup! I like itNot yet, will wait for updatesI hate it 🙁
7. What needs to change for it to be better for you?

Необходимо, чтобы поиск работал не только по задачам и контактам. Мне было бы удобно чтобы необходимые словосочетания выходили из описания задачи а не только из названия задачи. Например вбить какое-нибудь число ( в моем случае госномер авто) и поиск показал бы в каких задачах это число используется

8. Would you potentially pay for advanced tools?
Yes, ready to payMmm... I need to seeNo, you've made nonsense
Date Created2021-03-17