Let us be straight
Usually, disclaimers and denials of responsibility hide some offer and acceptance of rules. We have decided that it is only fair to have a separate page containing our position.
our team eula privacy principlesUsually, disclaimers and denials of responsibility hide some offer and acceptance of rules. We have decided that it is only fair to have a separate page containing our position.
our team eula privacy principlesIt’s up to your risk to use our free and offline CRM. We do not hold responsibility for your data safety or the applications’ stability.
data safetyEach CRM version is thoroughly tested by our team. We keep our data there, so excluding errors is crucial. Sometimes they do happen, however.
faqsDownloading the CRM from our website, you are guaranteed the absence of malware. Each build goes through independent analysis.
virus - freeWe understand that a disclaimer might seem to alert, but there is no reason to be worried: we are developing a great product, used worldwide.
DOWNLOAD CRM FREEMaking a profit is not the goal, there’s no rush in the development of our great CRM.
We strive to release updates regularly. Our dream is to release two updates a month.
changelogYou can always contact us if you have any questions or concerns regarding offlineCRM.
user guides